Welcome to PharmaShip’s documentation!

PharmaShip is a project from DSM born from the lack of software to manage medicine spares, communication between ship and medical centers (CCMM [1] in France) and requisitions.

PharmaShip is designed to:

  • manage medicine inventory;
  • manage medical material;
  • import inventory (flag regulation);
  • update stock according to the inventory by law;
  • manage and edit medicine and material requisition;
  • page of contact of Purpan.

In the next version, you will have also documentation and easy to use cheat sheet for medicines and materials.

Please, find below the user manual for this application:

PharmaShip is part of a larger project called Onboard Assistant. (link for more details)

[1]Centre de Consultation Médical Maritime is also called PURPAN. See dedicated chapter for more details.

Indices and tables